Friday, December 21, 2018

   Personally for me, I think that the virtues that I chose on improving were somewhat a success. To a certain point I felt like there was no way I could’ve fixed my old ways, but I got through it one way or another. Sleeping early, complete fail that one I kind of saw coming. For turning in my homework on time, I did see some improvement. Lastly, for the virtue of not letting those stuff affect my daily attitude, I think I managed somehow. If there was one thing I think could’ve helped me improve was my phone, that would take more than just a few months to fix though. There was definitely more improvement that could’ve been made.
   For the future, I’m going to keep on having these virtues on mind, although it may be difficult sometimes, very difficult to be honest, it’s going to benefit me a whole lot if I want to succeed in life and have a good future. First of all, sleeping early would ensure fewer wrinkles which is always a plus. Turning homework on time would benefit me on time punctuality, this is something that my mother lacks, one would know if they ever invited me somewhere and I get there like three hours late.
    All these things can also benefit me in my mental health and encourage me to have a peaceful life without numerous of worries. Specially, sleeping early would ensure me to not have as many mood swings as I would usually get. This is usually shown when I’m hungry, being hungry and angry at the same time is not a good combination. These things would affect my body because if I do the opposite of what these virtues improve, I would be stressed out and I wouldn’t get the correct nutrients to eat, my whole life would be a complete mess. My relationships with certain people would also be at risk, I won’t have time to see them, talk to them, or even hang out with them, I would be busy with work and stress. My soul would be more at peace with itself and it would make me overall a better person, I won’t be moody so that means I’ll also be a nicer and kinder person to most people.

Friday, November 16, 2018


This week has been a good week. I finally got my phone back today, my mom grounded me for another month so that’s a big bummer. I wont have a stable communication system. Using my iPad to text my dad when he needs me isn’t really good because I need internet to text and I only have internet in certain places with my iPad. Ive been trying to fix my grades and its working slowly, but steadily. I have completed most, if not all assignments. For next week, im going to try to keep on going with this and i have to make sure to put myself and my grades first.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Blog post

   This week was pretty boring, other than Tuesday, Fabio and I broke my old FaceTime record, we made it to 8 hours and 10 minutes, I was very proud of myself. We’re going to try and get it higher on Monday. Ive been doing my homework and my assignments, and I’ve been sleeping a little bit earlier on some days. I think that my virtues have improved just a bit since I’ve started.
    For the upcoming week, I want to attempt more time management and I need to try to be more focused on my work. One of the problems that I’ve noticed that I have is my “breaks” are a lot longer than expected, this makes me fall behind on the work I have to complete, im going to see if I can adjust this situation next week.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Blog Post

   For this week, I have been extra lazy, but some way or another, Ive managed. I currently don’t have my phone because of something stupid that I didn’t even do. I am not going to say that i have turned in my assignments on time, but a few seconds before the deadline to be exact, still counts though. Hopefully in the time that I don’t have my phone, i’ll have less distractions and less possibilities of me not focusing on my assignments.
   For the upcoming week, no distractions, no exceptions, and most importantly, no procrastinating. I can’t promise that last one, but a girl can hope. I am also going to try to sleep early, this would help my tiredness in class and my performance in school.

Friday, October 19, 2018

Blog Post

   For this week, I’ve been studying and working hard and I’ve managed to pick up some of my grades. This has been helpful since its already the end of the quarter. I still have a few more classes to work on before I am officially back on track with my grades. Ive been paying more attention recently and my attention spasm is still not the best, but I still got the work done.
   For next week, I want to keep bringing my grades up and making sure to finish all of my assignments on time and to make them as accurate as possible. I also need to make sure to study, its the end of the grading period and I want to end off on a good note.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Blog Post

    This week, Ive managed to raise most of my grades. Ive also made sure to study and complete the majority amount of the assignments I get. The exception is physics, I don’t understand absolutely anything. I believe that physics is just a waste of time, and its not like I’m going to learn anything anyways. Anyways, I’m doing very bad in World History, I don’t understand why we need to learn about maps, I am not going to make a career out of it, its useless in my life, if I need something, I can use my phone to look for it. Those map quizzes are ruining my grade in that class and it gets me so fustrated. For next week, I need to keep on trying on history even though I know I’m going to fail. Other than that, I have been studying and I need to keep it up.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Managing your life blog post #5

       This week I have, actually, improved. I’ve been studying for my test, I’ve been doing homework. I would overall say that I’ve been doing better. I noticed improvement, my sleeping habits are also getting better, as in, I would normally sleep at three a.m, and now I’m sleeping around one or two a.m. Ive had a very special person helping me study and inspiring me to do better, they’ve also helped me on focusing, making time valuable. This person is incredibly responsible, that pushes me to want to do better too.
        The only time that my work has affected my attitude, would be in physics, when I don’t understand absolutely anything, and I get so stressed out, I just feel useless in that class, but then I talk to this person, and I’m alright. I want to make sure that I keep on going and I have to make sure that I study, even for the smallest of quizzes. Thanks for reading my blog, see you next week!

Friday, September 28, 2018

Managing Your life Blog Post #4

       This week, everything has been pretty tough. Ive been studying in the mornings with a very wonderful person; it has helped a lot in Greek which is good, when I do homework, it doesn’t take me as long, I don’t have to struggle as much either. I studied for my English vocabulary quiz, I knew what to do, but for some reason, I still didn’t do good on the test, and that gets me so stressed out. For homework, I’ve still been sleeping late, but it will probably take me a while to adjust my bad sleeping habits. 
       For the following week, I want to make sure that I keep on studying, I ask lots of questions during class and I have to make sure to put my contacts on (I forgot on Thursday and I couldn’t see “Ni papa frita”). I also need to make sure that while I do homework, I focus on it with no distractions, unless my mom calls, I don’t want her to get mad at me. That’s all for this blog post! 

Friday, September 21, 2018

Managing Your Life Blog Post #3

          For this week that just passed, I didn’t really accomplished much towards my goal. I did do/ turn in my homework’s on time (accept for one) and it actually didn’t affect my attitude. I have  been sleeping very late and I’ve been very tired this past week. This pattern that I have is negatively affecting my grades for certain classes and it it absolutely unacceptable.
          For the upcoming week, I’m going to attempt to manage my time even better, I’m going to set my phone aside and pay full attention to the task I’m trying to complete. More lists and organization tables will hopefully help me achieve my goal.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Managing Your Life Blog #2

             This first week, I tried managing my time better while completing homework assignments and staying focused. I still went on overload while completing my homework; I’ve been sleeping very late and it has affected my school work. I’m not saying that I fool around while I do homework, but I get distracted and I end up sleeping very late. By the time I’m done with homework, I have no time to study. The problem with this, is that I cant sleep too late since I have to put my night contacts on. Consequently, at 2am, when I’ve finished my homework, I don’t have any time to study (then I wouldn’t be able to see the next day at school from the contacts). This means that my test grades aren’t at its maximum potential. This also means that I don’t have much energy tired and I wouldn’t be as enthusiastic like I usually am on a daily basis. I wasn’t as accomplished as I anticipate I would be. For next week, im planning on starting homework as soon as I get home; this would allow me to have time to study for any test or quizzes for the following day. Furthermore, I’ve  learned that its better to not think about doing something, the second it pops up, do it. This doesn’t always have to do with homework, just life in general.

Friday, August 31, 2018

Managing Your Life 101 Part 1

                                    Managing Your Life Overview 

             ↬The virtue that I’m trying to focus on is achieving good management of my time when I’m stressed or overwhelmed with work. For it not to affect the way I act or accomplish certain tasks. I need to make sure that I am in charge of everything i do, not letting my circumstances determine other aspects of my life. Confidently, this will make me become a better person and will help me with my attitude towards things and in the way I complete them. I’m choosing this particular virtue because this is something that I want to work on, this well help me achieve my goal of becoming a better person. My plan for growing on this virtue is to manage my time wisely, not fool around when I need to be doing something important, and I’m willing to do this all in a matter of eight weeks. I’m planning on making a schedule for when I need to get things done. Additionally, I’m planning on using different techniques and tricks to help me achieve my goal. ↫